So for my SIT report, I chose dogs as my special interest. For the fieldtrip component, I chose to go to the SPCA. Nat came along because. . . idk why also HAHAHA. I think she wanted to see the doggies there.
Met her at Nex then we had lunch at Yoshinoya first. I swear, the standard there is just dropping. The last time I ate it was when I was in Sec 3. It was cheap then and they even gave the criss-cross potato thing. Now. . . it's like this. So pathetic.
Then we headed to the SPCA via the Circle Line. It's just 1 stop away at Bartley. There were quite a few cute dogs and Nat was bonding with one called Thor. There was a dog called Mona who super hates kids ttm. Something must have happened to her in the past lor.
*it's funny how my special interest was on dogs but I left with no pictures of them but a whole lot of pictures of cats*
Then we entered the cat enclosure. Cats are the funniest, weirdest animals I swear. I really wanna keep one but my dad hates cats and if I do marry Matt, we can't keep one because he's allergic to their fur ):
There were a few kittens and we carried one called Charlie. Until we got scolding HAHAHA. We kept seeing people carry cats and enter dog cages lor. Some more we were sitting on the floor and holding him carefully.
Biased ttm =.=
There were also a few cute bunnies. There was an angora rabbit which I super love. I really love animals with super messy fur that you can barely see their eyes. AHAHAH yeah, I'm just weird that way.
Anyway, I also wanted to go to the SPCA because I wanted to sign up to be a volunteer. I've been wanting to do that for damn long already. I signed up 2 years ago but I didn't attend the orientation.
So yeah, people, if you want to get a pet, I strongly urge you to think carefully about the consequences. Do proper research. Taking care of a pet isn't easy at all. Merely giving it food, water and shelter isn't enough. You have to show it love, care and concern. When it's sick, bring it to the vet.
The pet may look cute while it's still a puppy. It may lose it's cuteness when it gets older. But that isn't a good reason to neglect it or love it less. For example, you might have been a cute baby. But you def didn't remain cute for you whole life. Your mum loved you even when you became older and ugly and awkward. So yeah, it's almost the same thing.
Another thing, when you buy a pet from the pet shop, make sure there are proper papers and certs and make sure your pet has it's necessary shots and vaccinations. This is to minimize problems you might encounter later on.
Lastly, it is always better to adopt than to buy. The SPCA takes in as many animals as it can but it can't possible house every single one of them due to the lack of space. There are more animals coming in than being adopted. Hence, most of them have no choice but to be put to sleep.
So pls, do visit the SPCA and save their lives. Everyone deserves a second chance. These animals deserve a second chance. They didn't do anything wrong to deserve this outcome.