End Of The Day
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
It's the end of a long, arduous day. Everyone is tired after a long day at school, or the office. All forms of public transport are crowded. Everyone is squeezed like sardines on the bus. If you're lucky, you'd get a seat. But even if you manage to get a seat on the crowded bus, you're faced with everybody looking at you, eyeing your seat. Even if you're not sitting on a reserved seat, you're left feeling guilty that you're sitting down.
But fk that.
Today, I just wanted to care about myself. I'm so tired from school, from everyone expecting so much from me, from me expecting so much from myself. So much worrying about everything, from studies, to money, to my social life (or lack thereof). I just wanteed to shut my eyes and forget about everything.
But no, this lady on the bus clearly did not want to give me that chance. For those who don't know, my school is all the way in ulu Clementi (no offence to those who live there), and I live all the way in Yio Chu Kang. So that's a long-ass 1.5hours journey, and longer if there are traffic jams, which there clearly are from 6 to 7pm. So when I saw a seat, I went for it, even though it was at the reserved seats section. Of course before going for it, I looked around to see if there were any elderly, disabled, pregnant people or children but there were none, so I sat down and my tired-ness got the better of me and the zzz-monsters claimed my precious soul.
When I finally woke up, the bus was extremely packed but, I still didn't see anyone who really needed the seat, and I was super tired. Please give me a chance okay. I was still maybe 5 bus stops away from my house. When suddenly, a lady, probably in her 40s, TAPPED ME and told me to give up my seat for this lady with 2 kids, who were ALIGHTING. Like come on, they are already alighting at the next stop. And I didn't even see them earlier on. I really think her asking me to give up my seat was uncalled for. Who are you to dictate what others do? Just because I look the youngest and most able-bodied? Well, I didn't think it was fair at all. After all, I pay for the Adult fare as well. I deserve the seat as much as the next person. What makes you think I'm not in pain or that I have a health problem whereby I can't stand for long?
I hope you trying to "impart your morals" on a young punk (me), made your day better and that it helps you sleep better tonight. I'm glad I helped you hit your quota of "good deeds" for today.
I hope you trying to "impart your morals" on a young punk (me), made your day better and that it helps you sleep better tonight. I'm glad I helped you hit your quota of "good deeds" for today.
Btw, before everyone else judges and misinterprets me, I'm not such a cold heartless bitch who wouldn't give up her seat for anybody. Even when I'm not on the Reserved Seat, and I see an old person, I gladly give my seat up for them. But today, I just felt extremely tired and down and wanted to be heartless and left alone.
Just today.
zzz. okay. rant over. bye.