Winter Wonderland with My Girls

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

So happy that I got the chance to visit the Winter Wonderland at Gardens by the Bay with my baes. Honestly, sometimes single life sucks because you don't have anyone to go to all these exhibitions with. But I'm really glad I have them. 

We went to 49 Seats @ Orchard Central for dinner first and did our Secret Santa gift exchange. I already knew who bought for who hehehehe. 

After dinner, we headed to Gardens by the Bay. It was super hot and crowded though. But the lights were kinda pretty. 

After that, we walked to MBS, sat by the river and just talked about life. It's scary how our conversations have changed so much over the years. Back in poly, we used to talk about our bf problems, school work or generally gossip about people in general. We thought the problems we had at that point in time were super serious. But now the problems are more real and serious. 

We talked about BTO, finding for jobs, etc. It's scary how grown up we have to be now albeit we're only in our early twenties. I feel like we're being forced to grow up faster and faster. It's getting so tiring. 

But oh well, enough negativity. It was a good night with them ~

Super clear pics were taken with Iris' camera. Grainier ones with my phone. 


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