
Monday, February 02, 2015

I'm so glad January is over. I started my 2015 off badly and it just became a domino effect and my whole January was just. . . filled with hurt, tears, heartbreak and pain. 

But anyway, all these are lessons learnt. 

February is here. That means another chance to start anew, I guess. 

Shall set new goals for myself, and I'll strive to achieve them. 

I've been feeling so down lately and I need to get my mind off things. 

Firstly, I'm going to study my ass off and finish this last module and graduate from poly. I've been lacking the motivation to do so, but I've been trying to get it back. 

Secondly, gonna hit the gym more. I gym off and on, and my weight and fat percentage is just rising and rising. FML. Gonna get things under control soon and hopefully I'll reach my fitness goals by the end of the year. 

Thirdly, I'll be applying for uni soon. I definitely can't make it into any of the local u's so I'll most probably be going to a private u. I hope I get into the course I want. 

The list goes on and on. 

February will be the start of great changes. 


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